Dec 13, 2009

Jane's Humor Hits a Snag

I can't seem to propell myself into a funny place anymore, which to me, is a calamity.  I'm much more serious these days, or so it seems.  I must have tripped and fell in the night and banged by head or something.  Maybe I was robbed in my dreams of my humor ticket.  Somehow I worry more about having lost it than how I lost it.  Like what came first, the chicken or the egg.  Should I think more about what I lost or wonder how I lost it?  If I can remember how maybe I can get it back.  What a connundrum.  Now I wonder if that word is even spelt right or even if I care.  Not funny.  Not at all.

I find that I spend time thinking about what's in the news, politics (aka idiots circus), and the economy (what's left of it).  I try not to blog about those things since it is all so difficult to make sense of and writing about it is about as much fun as straightening out a bowl of spaghetti.  In my view, the media hounds are the new prostitutes selling sensation, propaganda and sometimes even getting caught in out right un-truths.  The politicians are a rung lower.  They slime around spewing empty promises while secretly lining their pockets with untold tax payer dollars.  They bafoon themselves out to be pure snow then later are caught with mistresses, call-girls, and picking up young men in bathrooms.  The economy is only for those who are within reach of it - meaning Wall Street, Washington insiders and the good ol' boys network.  Unless you've seen some of the BILLIONS yourself.  Please let me know if you've benefited yet from all the money we keep hearing is out there.  I just find dustballs and come home with chewing gum stuck to the bottom of my shoes.

So what am I to do.  Make New Years Resolutions?  Send out Christmas cards?  Have a martini?  There must be something funny about how Tiger Woods was secretly building his own female baseball team before he got caught hitting his balls out of the park.  There must be humor tucked away in a secret compartment somewhere when I see photos of Ex-Gov. Blagoavich's hair with a mouth under it saying he is as clean as a rectal thermometer.  I just know I'll roll on the floor in delight when I find out the Wall Street big wigs and the Banking Execs have been found to have real blood in their veins and an actual heart with which to make sure the little people get some benefit from all the money they were given.

I have this saying by Carl Sandberg that always hangs in my kitchen no matter where I end up.  It says:  Life is like an onion, you peel off one layer at a time and sometimes you weep.

I have my own saying too:  Don't read Carl Sandberg if it depresses you.
I think its time for that martini now.

1 comment:

  1. Martini's can be good for the soul...

    So can a walk... a hot bath.. good music.. dinner with a friend...

    Hang in there... My guess is you've got the pre-Holiday Blues...

    And yes.. your humor is in there! 'Love' that secret baseball team of Tiger's! What a guy...


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